Put our name next to yours and get on with your loan life.

Are you applying for a loan and need a co-signer? Not sure where to go? We can make it Simple. See if we can make your loan Simple.

cosign loan agreement in Edmonton






Loans should be simple, not awkward.

Sometimes all you really need is someone who believes in you and will put their name on the line to prove it. That’s what we do.

Like our name, our process is Simple. If you require a co-signer to get approved for a loan we can help. No ifs, ands, or buts.

The underbanked are being left behind, forgotten, and in some cases face higher fees or rejection of loans. With millions of Canadians facing financial exclusion cosigning is not often used to increase access to credit.

Let us help you regain control… Simply contact us.

  • No need to ask friends or family for help
  • No additional credit check or approval
  • Turn no into yes, or increase your loan amount
  • One-time Simple fee
  • Easy on-line process
  • Potential to improve your credit score


If you live in Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, or British Columbia we may be able to help co-sign your loan. 


Contact us today and see if we can make your loan Simple.